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Equality Diversity Inclusion (EDI) action plan

In 2022 we undertook an anonymous Equality and Diversity Census survey of all our committees, with questions on the nine protected characteristics (Equality Act 2010).

The data was also collected on country of birth, caring responsibility and working patterns. 34% of members from 36 committees completed the Census. The previous survey was undertaken in 2018, with 48% members from 30 committees completing the survey.

Some members sat on more than one committee, and there were options for multiple responses in some questions. Due to the increased number of committees in 2022 compared to 2018, the data differences highlighted below may not be considered entirely relative.

The comparison showed that results were similar for both years. The main differences included:

  • 26% increase in members who report having caring responsibilities
  • 13% increase in members in the 55-64 age category and 6% increase in the 65+ category
  • 11% increase in members who have a physical/mental health condition or illness lasting 12+ months
  • 5% increase in members who are female
  • 5% decrease in members who report working full-time

A full report is available, please contact